Thursday 1 January 2015

NEWS: New Year, Slightly Different Me

I don't post on this blog much. Sorry. It's a problem that can be attributed mostly to sheer laziness, but also the fact that I only ever post something when A) I've seen a film, and B) I have something to say about it.

But that's all about to change. So far I've been working on a big article listing my favourite films of 2014 - which should be coming out either later today or tomorrow - but I'm also going to start posting things like discussions on the latest trailers, current news events (that Sony thing was pretty big, right?), or maybe just off-topic ramblings on stuff I find interesting. The key word is "more". I'll try and make it a weekly thing - and don't fret, I'll still be posting reviews-a-plenty. So get hyped!

In the meantime, here are some of my assorted writings from rival student publication The Boar:

That's all for now. Here's to a film-fuelled 2015!