Monday 1 July 2013

REVIEW: This Is The End

Upon being announced, This Is The End seemed to be a very brave move by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, Rogen's writing (and directing) partner in crime. With a plot summary as bold and basic as "celebrities are having a party at James Franco's house when the apocalypse starts happening", this could easily descend into what can only be referred to as "circlejerking" - making a film with friends so stuffed with in-jokes that the audience is left alienated and unamused. And, perhaps in lesser hands, this would have occurred.

However, Rogen and Goldberg have always been talented creative figures, with as many successes to their name - Pineapple Express, Superbad - as failures - The Green Hornet, The Watch. Thankfully, This Is The End belongs in the former camp, with perhaps their best project yet in terms of sheer enjoyability. By stripping away most pretences to fiction, and having every cast member play themselves, the film manages to be satirical of the Hollywood scene while remaining fun. Rogen and Goldberg have cleverly sent up practically everyone they know, emphasising existing characteristics - Rogen's excessive weed-taking, Franco's artistic integrity - and, in some cases, hilariously playing on public perception - Michael Cera's womanising coke-head is a highlight. The party scenes for the first 30 minutes or so are worth the price of admission alone.

But, oddly enough, the film does have a plot (of sorts) which relates to the title. Soon, strange events start happening, and a tense apocalyptic scene heavily thins out the star-studded cast. The remainder of the film is largely centred around Franco, Rogen, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Craig Robinson and Danny McBride's attempts to survive in Franco's house. I won't reveal what happens, only that it remains consistently funny throughout, only occasionally lapsing in momentum (typically during the CGI-heavy moments). This film won't convert those who dislike Rogen and Goldberg's writing style, but fans will experience pure, unadulterated comedy of the stupidest kind. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
