Wednesday 3 October 2012

LOVEFILM REVIEW: Interstate 60

As a side note, I've recently become a member of LoveFilm, meaning from time to time you'll see a review of a movie I found randomly in the bowels of the internet. Just go with it.

Interstate 60 is an oddity. It has all the elements of a classic – a great cast, a talented writer/director, an interesting plot filled with great oddball characters – and yet no one seems to have heard of it. Here in the UK especially, there was no cinema release, no straight-to-video, nothing.

Which seems strange, considering the talents attached. Bob Gale, the co-writer of the first Back to the Future and the writer of its subsequent sequels, makes his directorial debut here, and does so very well. He creates a deconstruction of classic road movies, set in a surreal, magically realistic universe. The movie is about James Marsden at a crossroads in his life (figuratively and later literally), under pressure from his father to become a lawyer. During his 22nd birthday, he wishes for answers in life, which a magically being (a mirthful Gary Oldman) overhears and grants. Marsden gets sent on a road trip to deliver a mysterious package, and along the way he runs into all kinds of trouble. Hilarity, poignancy and adventure ensue.

It's a good movie elevated by a great cast – Chris Cooper is particularly good as a businessman with an obsession for the truth (and dynamite), and keep an eye out for Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox (in a hilarious cameo), reunited on screen for the first time together since 1990. If you have the opportunity to watch this underrated and under distributed movie (I hesitate to use the word 'gem' as I hate the phrase), do, as there's nothing quite like it.
