Saturday 24 March 2012

REVIEW: 21 Jump Street

Let me just start off by saying that this is an incredibly funny film. In fact, for the first golden 30 minutes or so there's roughly a gag every ten seconds. Much like many comedies, some work, and some don't, but if one fails to hit the mark then it'll soon be replaced by one which splits your sides laughing.

So what is 21 Jump Street? Well, it's an adaptation of the late 80s television series (which kick-started Johnny Depp's career) about a duo of police officers sent to work undercover in a high school because of their youthful appearance. Yet while that was played somewhat straight, this film delights in doing it for the sake of comedy.

It also is very good at taking the ever-loving piss out of the tired buddy-cop movie clichés, so prominent in the eighties, and then fusing it with the modern-day culture. The framing device is that the two titular cops of the film – Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum – were, in high school, a nerd and a jock respectively. But when they return to high school to infiltrate a drug ring, their roles have switched due to the changing of the times.

It makes for an interesting experience for teenagers and adults alike. Adults will no doubt enjoy the sending up of the eighties, whereas teens will get the pop culture references and enjoy the occasional bit of gross-out humour. And it should also be said that the film has a respectable moral centre.

Jonah Hill does what he does best here, which is play the fat nerd with charm. Even if you're not his biggest fan – like me – you'll still find him funny. Yet the big surprise here is Channing Tatum. Famous for being one of the dullest actors on the planet, who's only made it this far because of his looks, he's finally found a role which works for him – and is genuinely very funny.

So for the most part, 21 Jump Street is very dumb but utterly hilarious. I don't want to spoil the film by giving away some of the jokes, so I'll just throw out some key words that I thought were highlights. The park. Miranda warning. A cameo from a Very Famous Actor. Anything Ice Cube says. That is all.
