Friday 28 October 2016

Anyone still reading this?

Hello. You might have noticed that this blog looks a bit abandoned as of late. Well, that's because it is. I'm still writing, but I've moved on to the noticeably yellow website The Upcoming. This means I now get invited to all the fancy screenings with Mark Kermode and Jason Solomons and the like, which is a bit less taxing on my fragile wallet. Also, lots of people now read my reviews, instead of just my mum and five friends (if that).

You can now follow my reviews here. You can also see my Letterboxd profile here, if you're really desperate to know my immediate reaction to Dreamworks' Trolls, or what I think of random Japanese melodramas from the 50s. Finally, I have a sort-of-blog-but-not-really here, which collects my best bits of writing - some of it from here - and some new, uncategorised stuff in one place, along with a couple of screenplays I'm working on. Because I am, you know, an artist, darling.

It's been fun, writing for Movie Bash, but I'm now quite prepared to move on. Not because I don't like writing any more - I've just always hated the stupid Americanised name that my 16-year-old self came up with four years ago.

I feel like I should go out on an inspirational quote or something.


"I'll see you at the movies."

"Stay gold, pony boy."